Toxicology Litigation SupportAlcohol, DWI, DUI, DramShopDr. Parent has participated in DWI cases from all perspectives. He has provided testimony on the incapacitating effects of alcohol from the plaintiff’s viewpoint, and from the perspective of the defense he has provided alternative explanations for faulty breathalyzer and blood alcohol determinations. Dr. Parent’s background in chemistry and, in particular with GC/MS analyses, provides him with a unique perspective relating to the analytical aspects of breath and blood analyses. He is a Certified Breathalyzer Technician, and on many occasions he has discovered flaws in the analytical methodologies used in both breath and blood alcohol determinations. Where appropriate, he provides retrograde calculations which can shed insight into blood alcohol levels at critical times. In some previous cases he has found alternative causes of elevated blood alcohol such as diabetes as well as alternative causes of accidents other than blood alcohol content. He has given testimony in several DramShop cases and has provided defense testimony for many driver’s accused of being intoxicated. Selected references are provided below. Selected ReferencesAberg, L., Behaviors and opinions of Swedish drivers before and after the 0.02 legal BAC limit of 1990. In: Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety. Utzelman, H. D., Berghaus, G. and Kroj, G. (eds). TUV Rheinland, Cologne, 1266-1270 (1993). Attwood, D. A., Williams, R. D. and Madill, H. D., Effects of moderate blood
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