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Toxicology Litigation SupportCarbon MonoxideCarbon monoxide is a colorless and odorless gas that is generated by incomplete combustion. Inside homes, it can be generated from improperly adjusted gas appliances, wood burning stoves, and furnaces. Carbon monoxide has an affinity for blood cells and prevents oxygenation of the blood resulting in difficulty breathing and stress on the cardiovascular system. Carbon monoxide can be lethal at high concentrations, but even at lower concentrations it can affect the brain and cardiovascular system leading to a condition referred to as anoxia. Breathing even low levels of carbon monoxide during pregnancy can lead to anoxia resulting in miscarriage or effects on the mental development of a child. Dr. Parent has addressed these issues in litigation and has developed pertinent references on the subject that are provided below. Selected ReferencesAslan, S., Uzkeser, M., Seven, B., Gundogdu, F., Acemoglu, H., Aksakal, E. and Varoglu, E., The evaluation of myocardial damage in 83 young adults with carbon monoxide poisoning in the East Anatolia region in Turkey. Human and Experimental Toxicology, 25(8), 439-446 (2006). Battley, J. C. S., Chronic carbon monoxide poisoning. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 19(2), 157-163 (1928). Benowitz, N. L., Cardiotoxicity in the workplace. Occupational Medicine, 7(3), 465-478 (1992). Birkenhager-Gillesse, E. G. and van der Poel, M. F., Carbon monoxide poisoning; psychotic depression brought on by a new kitchen. Tijdschrift Voor Psychiatrie, 50(4), 235-239 (2008). Caplan, Y. H., Thompson, B. C., Levine, B. and Masemore, W., Accidental poisonings involving carbon monoxide, heating systems and confined spaces. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 31(1), 117-121 (1986). Chace, D. H., Goldbaum, L. R. and Lappas, N. T., Factors affecting the loss of carbon monoxide from stored blood samples. Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 10(5), 181-189 (1986). Cobb, N. and Etzel, R. A., Unintentional carbon monoxide-related deaths in the United States, 1979 through 1988. Journal of the American Medical Association, 266(5), 659-663 (1991). Devine, S. A., Kirkley, S. M., Palumbo, C. L. and White, R. F., MRI and neuropsychological correlates of carbon monoxide exposure: a case report. Environmental Health Perspectives, 110(10), 1051-1055 (2002). Dubowski, K. M. and Luke, J. L., Measurement of carboxyhemoglobin and carbon monoxide in blood. Annals of Clinical Laboratory Science, 3(1), 53-65 (1973). Durak, A. C., Coskun, A., Yikilmaz, A., Erdogan, F., Mavili, E. and Guven, M., Magnetic resonance imaging findings in chronic carbon monoxide intoxication. Acta Radiologica, 46(3), 322-327 (2005). Ellenhorn, M. J. and Barceloux, D. G., Carbon monoxide. In: Medical Toxicology - Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Poisoning. Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc., New York, New York, 823-824 (1988). Ettema, J. H., Zielhuis, R. L., Burer, E., Meier, H. A., Kleerekoper, L. and DeGraff, M. A., Effects of alcohol, carbon monoxide and trichloroethylene exposure on mental capacity. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 35, 117-132 (1975). Goldbaum, L. R., Schloegel, E. L. and Dominguez, A. M., Application of gas chromatography to toxicology. In: Progress in Chemical Toxicology. Volume 1. Stohman, A. (ed). Academic Press, New York, 11-52 (1963). Haaxma, C. A., van Eijk, J. J., van der Vilet, A. M., Renier, W. O. and Bloem, B. R., Bilateral lesions of the basal ganglia as a sign of chronic carbon monoxide intoxication. Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor Geneeskunde, 151(15), 868-873 (2007). Heimbach, D. M. and Waeckerle, J. F., Inhalation injuries. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 17(12), 1316-1320 (1988). Henry, C. R., Satran, D., Lindgren, B., Adkinson, C., Nicholson, C. I. and
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