TOXICOLOGY LITIGATION SUPPORTThe discipline of toxicology is the study of causation, the linchpin of any case in which a claim of injury is made as a result of a toxic insult. While it is critical to ascertain a well-founded medical diagnosis of the disease, it is the toxicologist who is best qualified to establish causation because the discipline of toxicology is the study of causation. Having a comprehensive understanding of causation from both the perspective of the plaintiff and defense is critical to successful litigation of these cases. In the course of its activities through the services of Dr. Parent and his staff, expert reports and papers dealing with specific topics have been written. Included in this section are such reports, compilations, and issues that may be of interest to you. This information will change from time to time, but it will always be scientifically sound.
Causation Reports
Toxicology Notes and Literature
Toxicology Litigation Support
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