Toxicology Litigation SupportCreosoteCreosote is a complex mixture of waste products from the petroleum industry. Several hundreds of components are present, mostly polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), some of which are carcinogenic. Most of the PAHs are readily metabolized in man, and some produce metabolites which are carcinogenic. Establishing exposure of those living near a creosote site requires measurement of dirt and dust carried into houses and airborne PAHs if the plant is still operating. Careful medical surveillance of the exposed individuals who have been or are being exposed is important with an emphasis on the organ systems that are targeted by the PAHs. If wood treatment is occurring at the site, arsenic, pentachlorophenol, and dioxins may be problematic also. Dr. Parent has carried out health surveys at similar sites to identify those at risk and provide criteria for the establishment of a medical monitoring program. A report and selected references are provided below. Selected ReferencesAmstutz, H. E., Suspected pentachlorophenol and creosote poisoning Modern Veterinary Practice, 61(1), 53-54 (1980). Anonymous, Cancer warnings for creosote and bisphenol. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 1(3), 43N (1999). Armstrong, B. and Theriault, G., Compensating lung cancer patients occupationally exposed to coal tar pitch volatiles. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 53, 160-167 (1996). Armstrong, B. G., Tremblay, C. G., Cyr, D. and Theriault, G. P., Estimating the relationship between exposure to tar volatiles and the incidence of bladder cancer in aluminum smelter workers. Scandanavian Journal of Work and Environmental Health, 12(5), 486-493 (1986). Arvin, E. and Flyvbjerg, J., Groundwater pollution arising from the disposal of creosote waste. Journal of Water and Environmental Management, 6, 646-652 (1992). 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Szczeklik, A., Szczeklik, J., Galuszka, Z., Musial, J., Kolarzyk, E. and Targosz, D., Humoral immunosuppression in men exposed to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and related carcinogens in polluted environments. Environmental Health Perspectives, 102, 302-304 (1994). Van Schooten, F. J., Hillebrand, M. J. X., Van Leeuwen, F. E., Lutgerink, J. T., Van Zandwijk, N., Jansen, H. M. and Kriek, E., Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-DNA adducts in lung tissue from lung cancer patients. Carcinogenesis, 11(9), 1677-1681 (1990). |
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